Will He Be Pleased With Thee?

“Will He Be Pleased With Thee?” - Malachi 1:8

Malachi is rebuking his people, Israel, for their deceitful (vs. 14) offerings and sacrifices unto the LORD. They are bringing “evil” sacrifices to the altar and table of the LORD, expecting that God will have to accept it, because he’s “gracious” and God wouldn’t dare to think to refuse their “best” in their current situation. Forgetting that Malachi started the chapter by stating he “hated Esau” for his disregard and disrespect concerning the birthright.

God doesn’t have to accept anything that he is not pleased with. And while we may have excuses and reasons not to offer our best unto the Lord because “times are tough,” God is still God, and his expectation of our sacrifices and offerings, based on what what pleases him, is still preeminent to our current events.

If the governor would not be pleased to accept a persons evil “cast-offs,” “left-overs,” or “hand-me-downs” then why should the LORD be expected to accept it of our hand (vs. 13)?

God will not be pleased nor will he accept anything less than what is offered by faith (Hebrews 11:6). He will not accept a right thing done the wrong way. He’s not going to compromise his standard of sacrifice and offerings just to make us feel better about our sinful condition.

If we are cheating God and “cheapening” the sacrifices it takes to worship and fellowship with him, then we need to clean up our polluted and profane heart. He is “a great King,” and he is worthy of the best!

Jeffrey smith