Say Amen

“Say Amen” - 1 Corinthians 14:15

This is an unusual place to get a “Thanksgiving” verse, but here we see that Paul is instructing (“edifying”) the church at Corinth on the proper way “at thy giving of thanks” in the congregation and the proper response in such a case.

Giving thanks should, first of all, Exalt God and the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source and the grace of our being thankful (verse 18).

Giving of thanks should also be Enlightening (verse 15). It should give the hearer the opportunity to “say Amen” (verse 16). If our thanksgiving is not clear and concise then it loses the focus of the Saviour and turns into focusing on self. Thanksgiving should be a time when there’s no doubt who you are thankful for (God) and what you are thankful for. It shouldn’t be a backhanded compliment of yourself. The Amen should be about Jesus Christ - end of story.

Giving thanks should be Edifying (verse 17). To edify is to build up or strengthen another. The main reason, after Jesus Christ, we should even go to church is for edification (to edify one another - Hebrews 10:24-25). One of the main reasons to give thanks in church (or in public places) is to edify, strengthen, build up the faith and confidence in another toward God.

Why should we give thanks? That God be praised. That Jesus Christ be worshipped. That the body of Christ may rejoice, thank the Lord together, and “say Amen!”

Jeffrey smith